Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Foot Guard?
The Second Company Governor's Foot Guard,
currently headquartered in Branford,
Connecticut, is a historic state military organization.
Do I need a military background ?
No, training will be
Will I be paid?
No, we are strictly a volunteer organization.
Will I have to purchase any uniforms?
Approximately 95% of the uniforms are issued. A few
required items need to be purchased, and maintenance of all uniforms is required at your cost.
What will be expected of me as a member?
Attendance on Monday evenings, 7:00-9:00
P.M.. First Monday of each month is the
Command business meeting. Mondays during the balance of each month will include
close order drill, military training, Battalion Reviews, etc. More details will be given during your interview.
Second Company is actively seeking new members for its Band, Field Music &
Infantry Units.
you think you may be interested in joining our historic Command, click the
"Join" button below.